A Conversation with Poet Rose Mary Boehm

Life Stuff: Poems by Rose Mary Boehm, Kelsay Books, 2023. Paperback, 156 pages. $23 Life Stuff is a collection of poems that examines events from poet Rose Mary Boehm’s entire life – her childhood in WWII Germany, parenting her children in London, surviving an operation for a brain tumor while living in Madrid, making aContinue reading “A Conversation with Poet Rose Mary Boehm”

Un-Wintery Winter

The end of January and beginning of February in Minnesota should be bone-chilling, with snow that comes up to my knees, and frosty window panes in the garage that sparkle in morning sun. I should be turtling into my warmest sweatshirt, mug of steaming hot coffee in my hands. That is not the case. I’mContinue reading “Un-Wintery Winter”